· Member of the Television Academy (U.S. Prime Time Emmys) in the Television Executives Peer Group

· Director of the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (International Emmys) since 1997 and a member of the Executive and Nominating Committees for 12 years

· Honorary Committee member of the Monte Carlo Television Festival since 2003

· Member of the Advisory Board of the Entertainment Master Class, which holds a Format Academy for the entertainment television industry

· Member of the planning and organizing committee for the UN World TV Forum 1999-2000

· Member of the Arab Media Initiative of the World Economic Forum

· Received several industry awards for information programming –  the AP, New York Film and Television Award for Public Service in New York City, at WWOR-TV, New York

· Recipient of the distinguished Muscular Dystrophy Association Governors Award for ‘Distinguished Public Service’ at WWOR-TV

· Awarded a personal certificate from the Honorable Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, at a White House ceremony in 1984 honoring my efforts behind the Job Fair campaign in Washington, D.C.

· Served on the Boards of the NATAS chapters in Washington, D.C., and Miami, Florida. Produced two Emmy Awards programs in Washington, D.C. for the local chapter

· Actively involved with the National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) since 1979, Served on its Board of Directors for several years, and headed planning and facilities committees for its annual conventions. I continue to serve on various panels and committees for the organization.